Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Clock Is Ticking

     The time is almost here for me to go! It seems like its come so fast. It just really hit me today when I realized I should probably pack. I'm stressed on a completely different level than last time I went. Last time I had no idea what to expect, even in the least bit. Now I have a pretty good idea of whats going to happen. I think you guys should all know what is really going down. 

     The lecture phase is June 26 - September 14, then the second phase the outreach phase is September 15 - November 17

    The topics that we'll be talking about are: Principles of Ministry through Community, Biblical Worldview, Cross-Cultural Communication, Spiritual Gifts and Strengths Finder for Ministry, Personal Evangelism, Principles of Leadership, Compassion in Ministry, Faith and Finances for Ministry, Communicating Your Message Well, Understanding World Religions and the Make-Up of Your City, and Practical Leadership and Discipleship

     Just a reminder,.... there are three choices I could make for the outreach, 1) Plan and set up and individualized outreach to a place, people group, or with another ministry that God has put on my heart, 2) plan and set up an outreach with one or more SOMD students and go as a small team, or 3) become part of the discipleship team by completing an internship with the DTS staff for the fall school, I would help lead an outreach, and that would be an extra three months. Personally I want to do the second option, but I have no idea until I get there and no clue what country I should go to yet anyway!

     I am nervous though, 5 months is a long time, and especially since when I leave I'm not coming back until I'm back from another country. I could randomly go to Antarctica and only have the summer clothes I packed for June! Crazy. It will be good to be back, I'm really excited to get back into the mission field!!! Its what I love to do! I'll be updating this as much as I can! Please be praying! I leave bright and early Sunday morning!!

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