Well, well, well, I'm back I guess. I mean I really haven't left. Just lost interest, or I'm busy you know, all those excuses for me simply forgetting I have a blog. Anyways. It's been a while, and last time I wrote I was about to go on a trip to Nicaragua, which was amazing to say the least. I had a great time and for some reason I feel like that trip was more for me than the people I went to go minister too. I hate it when that happens, but I guess everyone needs a wake up call to being humble. It was really good for me for many reasons. 1) I felt that the people I went with, Brad and Ruth were like new parents to me. Either that was God or it was my way of trying to fill the hole my parents put there when they died. I'm going with the God one. They filled my life with new and fun things to look forward to. 2) It opened my eyes to the relationship I was in. A relationship that I shouldn't have been in to say the least. I woke up to those issues, that's for sure. I ended things once I realized how deep I had fallen. I felt like I was in a pit and didn't want to get out. Repeat didn't want to. There comes a time in relationships where you know it's not working but it's just so comfortable that you just don't know what you will do without the other person. I was there. He was the one that I was with when I lost both of my parents. He was great for me, for that time. He was there to wipe my tears and give me hugs. Then I had to move on. I knew I had to, it was very clear. Most of the time the best things for you are the things that involve change, good or bad.
I have two jobs now, I work in the office of SUNY plattsburgh branch campus. It's pretty fun. Working on my bachelors in Psychology. Trying to be smart and stuff. I don't really think I want to continue school after my bachelors, we'll see how it goes. I have a new car, a surburu forester, it's pretty awesome. I've also been learning that in order to make the best decisions for you, you really need to make them yourself. There is a slippery slope between asking people for advice, and asking people for there permission to do something that you already know you want to do. Don't get me wrong, seeking Godly advice is great, but ultimately your decisions, are your decisions. The minute you let other poeple make choices for you is when you stop being and acting yourself. It's hard but I guess it's all part of growing up. I'm still just a baby, but I've learned so much in the past couple of years. I feel like I'm 75.
ok well that's it for now, gotta go write a paper and play softball!