I probably figured I should blog about everything that is going on. I'm actually doing pretty well. God is my strength and He has definitely shown up for me in my hard times. I'm working at both my jobs, but the past couple of weeks there hasn't been alot of rooms in the hotel where Johnny Rockets is, which means, we get bad service. It's called a "dark week". I do enjoy waitressing alot, I'm getting very good at it too, not to mention the fact that there are people at work who are really interested in God, and I'm always just randomly there when they ask questions. When I was looking for a job, I was praying about where I should get it, and now I know why I'm here! God works in mysterious ways! and I love HIM lots!!
Things are really looking up with the YWAM preparations! Being a waitress means I can deposit money daily into the account, and my birthday just passed, I'M 20!!! So my money of aging is going into the account also. Lately I've been feeling a stronger desire to leave too, to like go out into the mission field again. My heart is aching for it! There is so much to do around here too! I'm really excited! I'm also driving to Minnesota, with my friend Cait and Ahnna. That should be quite fine, and quite the adventure. We are leaving June 20 something, I'll let all of you know the details, dates and money soon! I have quite the good amount of money saved up about 2500! I'm gonna keep working hard, and keep praying!! Please keep me and my family in your prayers!!